We always try to work a large brand in overseas market. That’s why we have a good experience team to communicate with Buyer & try to understand their requirement & also try to give feedback to Honorable Buyers in return. 


After getting any enquiries from Buyer’s side we research it on proper way. Sourcing team, costing team & merchandising team sit together that can give a nice support to Buyer in return as quick response. After confirm any order souring team decides the best garments factory to give best effort. Sourcing team also decides the best supplier that can give us best quality & also maintain time schedule. Merchandising & QA department have good experience to do meeting with factory people with top management & production people that can find easy way to ship the goods with quality & maintain time schedule. We have also a technical department which always tries to give a solution to factory mainly in sample program that we can receive approve in one short without any time waste & also to give best support to Buyer to grow up good relation in garments trade.


We always believe in long time validity. To keep maintain quality & schedule we always refer good sourcing.  We can offer you the best quality in cheapest price. Of course we have good experience team that always busy to find a good supplier of fabrics, yarn, knitting, dyeing, washing, print plant, embroidery plant, accessories manufacturer to give best support & best quality to Buyer.


We think & believe that In garments sector need to develop product for upcoming order. It is easy to grow up good relation with buyer. The more we can give development sample support to buyer the more we can prove that we are capable.


We make T & A plan sheet of each individual order for easy follow up. By follow this sheet we push factory people that they can meet the date & time schedule. Also we give latest update to Buyer for transparent view.


We never accept any quality issue. To keep best quality we always refer good experience people that can help factory people in each section as knitting, dyeing, sampling, cutting, sewing & finishing that can fill Buyer’s requirement.


Before final inspection we always try to make good quality goods & for that we do in-line inspection & pre-final inspection that can ship goods in time schedule. We have a good experienced team to do final inspection on behalf of Buyer as Buyer requirement.


In garments business we have a habit to work on behalf in absence of Buyer that Buyer can trust us
that in their absence we can take care each & every order as new born baby.

We can ensure you to give best quality & in time schedule.

We are capable to execute more complicated orders.

We can give you the best price offer

We can give High-fashion garments with capacity for strong margin / value creation