Gentle Style is a sourcing office in BD. We try to give best support to Buyer to fill their requirements. We try to work with such a factory which has a good reputation in garments sector in BD. We work with such a production factory that they can ship goods with easy way as to fill Buyer’s requirement. We try to nursing an order as a child from received an order to till export. We try also to give best support to supplier that can give us best quality & also maintain time schedule. After all we always think that how we can improve our self that we can stay long time in garments trade.
We believe that success depend on good skill. We ensure to Buyer that they can say about our skill in our working progress. Our team is comprised by such a dynamic, experienced and energetic people who can ensure that Gentle Style BD can give best quality services in limit time schedule to valued Buyer. Moreover we can ensure that Buyer will find us our love for fashion garments. Also we can ensure that Buyer will pay attention again & again to us for our skill & for take care of quality & schedule. After all we try to build good relation with Buyer by giving best efforts & also try to fill each requirement in each & every moment.
To be the eyes and ears of Buyer on the ground and to protect the brand and business of our clients in Bangladesh. We assist buyer with detailed cost analysis to offer custom-made solutions and personalized services. We assure to Buyer about secure, protect their business & interests in Bangladesh.
The open secret of our success is true partnership. We work closely with each of our Buyer to provide immense value in the supply chain. We are working & supplying ready-made garments through importers for retailers, wholesalers and online buyers.